VKW annual meeting 2021

Location: Ethias Theater Hasselt Client: VKW Limburg Number of attendees: 950

Every year, during the annual meeting at the end of September, VKW Limburg awards the Ambiorix Prize to a Top 500 company. This prestigious award distinguishes a Limburg company that excels in quantitative and qualitative entrepreneurship.

We made sure that the podium event was managed in the right direction. The creative concept? A catwalk that has been pulled through the entire stage. This is how we created 2 different settings. Depending on the content, the stage was chosen. Nils Valkenborg was our artist who provided some relaxation.

The closing network reception was held in the esplanade at Park H.

The Ambiorix prize 2021 was awarded to Nelissen Steenfabriek

Past three events:

ZAS Winterfeest

Nieuwjaarsfeest GOB/SPRB

Trefdag Vlaanderen Digitaal 2024